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Dental Implants

Dental implants are screws that are placed in the jawbones to complete missing teeth. It is one of the least complicated and most successful treatments that has been widely used in dental treatment for the last 30 years. Dental implants are successful treatments, but the physician's decisions play a role in this success.​

There are 5 types of implant applications:

  •  Late period implant application

  •  Early implant application

  •  Immediate implant application

  •  Full mouth implant application

  •  All-On-4 or All-On-6 implant application

  • Immediate Loading Dental Implant



Implant application methode: the procedure begins with general or local anesthesia. Generally, doctors' preference is to use local anesthesia. In the first stage, the gum is lifted from the bone, this process is called 'Flap Opening' operation. Then, a slot of appropriate dimensions for the length and diameter of the implant is opened on the bone surface with special drills. The implant is placed into this slot and compressed with the required force. Finally, the planting phase begins and the waiting period begins.

Waiting process: due to the anatomically soft structure of the upper jaw, the waiting period is 6 months and the lower jaw is 3 months. However, these processes may vary depending on the patient and implant brand.

Late implant application means waiting for 6 months or more after tooth extraction or implanting in the cavities of teeth that were extracted years ago. Its advantage is that the risk of infection caused by the extracted tooth is minimized. The disadvantage is that as the gravitational cavity is not exposed to chewing, the bone melts as time passes.  Many times, these millimeter melts make implant placement difficult. Advanced surgical methods may be needed.


Early implant application is done 6 weeks after the tooth is extracted. The advantage is that the soft tissue healing is completed and the effect of the infected tooth is minimized. The implant is made before the bone melts. The disadvantage is that two surgical procedures are performed at very short intervals.


Immediate implant application. The implant is placed as soon as the tooth is extracted. The advantage is that the transaction ends in one go. The disadvantage is that the application is not performed on teeth with a high risk of infection.

Again, after the implant is made, there are 3 ways to load and make the prosthesis.

  1. The implant is made and loaded immediately. For this, the length and diameter of the implant used, as well as the density of the bone, are important. The dentist calculates according to these criteria. It is a method generally applied for all-on-4 implants and anterior incisors.

  2. 6 weeks after the implant is placed, the prosthesis is made. 6 weeks are very important here. It should be done neither before nor after. Soft tissue healing is complete. Osteointegration (joining of bone and implant) has begun. The advantages of loading are available in many studies.

  3. After the implant is placed, we wait for 6 months for the upper jaw and 3 months for the lower jaw. The osteointegration is completed and the prosthesis is made.

All these options are evaluated by the physician for each patient.

There are many different brands of implants available. It is important to use implant brands that can be reached anytime, anywhere. When necessary, it may be necessary to request main parts from the company after years. In addition, production stages and sterilization are very important. All surgical sterilization procedures should be followed during implant placement. It can be said that there is no chance of failure when all criteria are met.

Of course, the patient's systemic diseases will also affect the success.

After implant: after the waiting period is completed, the gum levels of the implants are opened. A connection screw is attached to these opened points. Connection screws are called 'Abutments'. Then, a crown is made on top of these according to the material and color chosen by the patient. As a result of this procedure, healthy dental aesthetics and function are achieved.

So what are the implants we use?

  •  BEGO: It is a German brand implant that exists since 1890.

  •  MEGAGEN: It is a Korean brand implant that exists since 2002.

  •  STRAUMAN: It is a Swiss brand implant that exists since 1954.

  •  NOBEL: It is a Swedish brand implant that exists since 1965.

  •  VENUS: It is a Turkish brand implant that exists since 2000.

  • What is the difference between an Implant and a Crown/Veneer?
    While the implant replaces the root part of a tooth in the jawbone, crowns and veneers form the upper structure of the tooth.
  • How long do dental implants last?
    Like natural teeth, implants need care after they are made. Like our natural teeth, implants have a lifespan until the end of your life when the necessary health conditions are met.
  • Can I continue my normal life/work after the implant treatment?
    Patients who use the advice and medications given by the physician after the operation can easily continue their normal lives.
  • Is the implant surgery painful?
    During the operation, patients do not feel any pain due to the effect of anesthesia. With the drugs and injections given to the patients after the operation, the risk of pain is eliminated.
  • Why do you need an implant?
    Implants are needed to replace your lost teeth for various reasons in terms of function and aesthetics.
  • Why should cheap implants not be preferred?
    Implants are placed in the body, in our bones, and they live with us for a lifetime. In this sense, it makes sense to choose reliable brands.
  • Is anesthesia used in dental implant treatment?
    Two types of anesthesia, local and general, can be used in dental implant treatments.
  • What are the benefits of an implant?
    In the absence of teeth, implants prevent the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth from being cut and damaged.
  • Does the brand of the implants used in the treatment matter?
    Yes, it is important because working with reliable brands provides comfort for the physician and the patient. It is extremely easy to reach these brands from all over the world with the certification system.
  • What is the best alternative to an implant?
    The alternatives to the implant vary. In case of a few missing teeth, it would be to cut and bridge the adjacent teeth. In case of large tooth deficiencies, it would be to replace with an alternative prosthesis that can be inserted and removed in the mouth, which is less comfortable than a fixed prosthesis.
  • Is this procedure more expensive than braces?
    It is not a more expensive treatment than braces. The fee varies according to the number of plaques.
  • Is the duration longer than braces?
    Its duration varies according to the number of plaques. However, it is generally not a longer treatment than braces.
  • Can every tooth crowding problem be solved with this treatment?
    Generally, dental crowding can be resolved with this treatment. However, there may be some cases where it is not sufficient. This will be said as a result of the analysis.
  • What happens if I drink tea or coffee after getting my teeth whitened?
    Bleaching will open the pores on the surface of the tooth. Therefore, dyes will be more harmful than usual for a few days after bleaching.
  • Do all teeth get white?
    Every natural tooth whitens to some extent. But everyone's whitening amount is different. Depending on the permeability of the tooth, some teeth brighten too much.
  • Is there any pain after whitening?
    The new whitening systems provide minimum sensitivity. Sensitivity will disappear with fluorinated gels.
  • What are the early warning symptoms of a dental problem?
    If you have any of these problems or notice your child having difficulty chewing or complaining of ache, consult a dentist: sores in the mouth, parched mouth, jaw ache, broken teeth, redness, swollen gums or face, bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, foul taste in your mouth or bad breath. Getting checked out by a dentist as soon as possible helps to avoid more serious issues and infections.
  • Why do I require dental examinations?
    Routine checkups can help detect problems early on, preventing more serious and expensive procedures subsequently. You must have a dental checkup every six months, or more frequently if your dentist suggests so. Pick a dentist who makes you comfortable and informs you what to anticipate.
  • Are oral X-rays necessary?
    If you haven't seen a dentist in a while, plan to get them done at your first visit. This aids in the examination of dental and gingival health. If you suffer from gum disease, your dentist might need to see your dental photos every six months. You should get X-rays done around every two years for routine check-ups, based on your dentist's advice.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Total prostheses are more affordable than all other prostheses. However, some overdentures or precision-retained prostheses cost close to fixed prostheses.
  • Would I be comfortable if I had all my teeth pulled and had a total denture?
    No removable prosthesis can be as comfortable as your own tooth. It is best not to lose teeth as much as possible by reinforcing natural teeth with fixed prostheses when necessary.
  • Can I feel comfortable with fixed dentures like my own teeth?
    The name of all artificial organs in the body is prosthesis. However, you cannot see perfectly with your artificial eye, you have difficulty walking with your artificial leg prosthesis, or its appearance is not perfect. However, with your dental prosthesis, you’ll want to eat more comfortably and look more beautiful than your natural tooth. While we are making these prostheses, our aim is to provide this as much as possible.
  • Are there any cheap veneers? What are the disadvantages, if any?
    There are inexpensive veneer restorations. The materials used in these may be different or the construction technique may have been scraped from monolithic blocks.
  • Why do you need a Prepless Veneers (Lumineer) ?
    Prepless Veneers (Lumineers) are needed to meet aesthetic requirements.
  • What is the difference between a veneer and a Lumineer?
    In veneer restorations, a very small trim is made on the anterior surface of the tooth, while in Lumineer restorations, no operation is made on any part of the tooth.
  • Can we close the gap between my teeth with Veneers?
    Thanks to Veneers, the gap can be easily closed in 2 sessions by just measuring your teeth without any operation done on the teeth.
  • What is the difference between a Prepless Veneer (Lumineer) and a crown?
    The Lumineer is a restoration that is made only by taking measurements without any operation on the tooth, while the crown is a restoration that is placed on the tooth by reducing it all around.
  • Will my own teeth be damaged during the Prepless Veneers (Lumineer) process?
    There is no such possibility.
  • Does the Prepless Veneers (Lumineer) shorten the life of the tooth?
    On the contrary, it covers the front surface of the tooth like a membrane, equalizing the tooth and protecting it against erosion and discoloration.
  • Is the care of the Preples Veneers (Lumineer) and that of the veneer different from the normal tooth?
    The same care we apply to our normal teeth can be applied to veneers and Prepless Veneer (Lumineers).
  • What are the advantages of a Prepless Veneers (Lumineer) ?
    One of the biggest advantages of a Prepless Veneers (Lumineer) is restoring teeth that we do not like the appearance of or that are broken and transforming them into an aesthetic smile without harming the teeth.
  • Why is a metal porcelain crown cheaper?
    The technology is very old. Its construction, materials and production are cheaper to different crown in terms of price.
  • Can a bridge be made of zirconium?
    Bridges cannot be made of many full ceramic options. Zirconium bridges solve this problem.
  • Zirconia or E-max crowns – which are better?
    It is not very correct to make such a distinction directly. Emax crowns are more aesthetic, but they cannot be used for missing teeth. Again, it would be more appropriate to use zirconium for damaged teeth.
  • What is monolithic zirconia crown? Why is it cheaper?
    Normally, zirconium is the infrastructure of the prosthesis. Hand-made porcelain is processed one by one on it. In monolithic zirconium, the entire prosthesis is produced digitally from the substructure of zirconium. More artificial-looking teeth are formed. However, some patients prefer this image.
  • What is the difference between an E-max and a zirconia crown?
    The material is different. We achieve much more aesthetic results with the Emax material compared to zirconium. It is metal and is the most expensive type of restoration available today.
  • What is the difference between zirconia and metal porcelain?
    Both are infrastructure materials. In zirconia porcelain, the infrastructure is zirconia. In metal porcelain, the infrastructure is metal. The upper structure of both is porcelain.
  • When is a crown needed?
    If we cannot treat the tooth with veneer in traumatic situations such as fractures and caries in the dental tissue, we apply a crown.
  • What is the difference between a crown and a veneer?
    For crowns, the periphery of the tooth is reduced all around. For veneers, only the front surface is slightly etched.
  • What are the complications of lower-buried wisdom teeth?
    Bleeding, edema, pain, trismus (locking of the jaw joint) and long or short-term paresthesia (numbness) complications may occur after the lower-impacted wisdom teeth surgical extraction. In general, the complaints are over in a period of 1 week. ​
  • I want to have implants in my upper molars, but my bone is not enough.
    Sometimes, the distance between the sinuses and the jawbone may be too short anatomically or due to early extractions. In this case, maxillofacial surgeons perform sinus lift operations and raise the sinus floor and insert artificial bone and bone, making it possible to construct implants.
  • Can the inflammation at the tip of my tooth root be surgically removed?
    In particular, it is possible to correct inflammation and cysts at the root tip of the incisors with a surgery called resection. However, some teeth may not be resectioned due to their location and proximity to anatomical structures.
  • Why does the tooth swell?
    In general, the tooth loses its vitality with caries, trauma, abrasion and the tooth nerve is disturbed. It becomes inflamed and creates inflammation in the root of the tooth. For this reason, facial swelling occurs with pain. Sometimes, facial swelling occurs as a result of inflammation of old root canal treatments.
  • Why don't we get root canal treatment for all our teeth and get rid of toothache?
    Pulp tissue provides nourishment and protection of the tooth. The strength of a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment is less than that of a live tooth. For this reason, we try to keep the female alive as much as possible. We do not do root canal treatment unless we have to.
  • How many canals are there in the tooth?
    In general, incisors have one canal, premolars have one or two, and molars have three canals. However, these numbers may vary.
  • How does oral care affect periodontal health?
    It is directly connected. The biggest reason for poor periodontal health is dental calculus and bacterial plaque that cannot be cleaned. Periodontal health is maintained with routine dentist control.
  • How to do daily oral care?
    Mechanical cleaning of teeth and gums should be done with brush-paste and dental floss. Brushing the gums with the teeth at a 45-degree angle, and cleaning between the teeth with dental floss is very important for gum health.
  • Can the lost gum tissue be regained?
    It is not possible to regain the lost gingival tissue on its own. Tissue is restored with various surgical techniques. In recent years, gingival tissue has been restored without surgery with stem cell studies, but it is still in the experimental stage.

Why Choose Turkey, Istanbul for Health Tourism?

In today's world, the increasing diversity in travel opportunities, improved transportation accessibility, advancements in global health services, and the cost-effectiveness of healthcare in Turkey make it a prime destination for health tourism. The combination of these factors positions Turkey, particularly Istanbul, as a top choice for those seeking high-quality medical care with substantial savings.

Turkey ranks among the world's leading destinations for health tourism, a distinction validated by data from the World Tourism Organization (WTO). Istanbul, often referred to as the heart of Turkey, boasts a rich history and modern appeal. This city's prominence is not limited to healthcare; it was the capital of three of the world's most significant empires. Additionally, Istanbul received accolades in 2021 when it was named the top European city by Travel and Leisure, a renowned American travel magazine with approximately 5 million readers.

At Dent-Health Istanbul, a healthcare organization in Istanbul, we have our own tourism agency to ensure our clients receive the best services for both their health needs and tourist activities. We extend a warm welcome, treating our clients as not just patients but as valued members of our Dent-Health family. Our mission goes beyond creating beautiful smiles; we're dedicated to providing unforgettable travel experiences and witnessing the happiness reflected in your smiles during your stay.

Explore the rich tapestry of healthcare and tourism opportunities in Istanbul with Dent-Health Istanbul.

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